Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Happy Teacher's Day

Hers is a story of becoming a teacher but took a whole lot different route to achieve it.

 Growing up, she really wanted to be a teacher. But family decisions made its impact in choosing the college degree that she ended up being a registered nurse.

But the dream never died.

When the door of opportunity to teach was opened, she entered the portal with half a heart having learned to love the nursing profession, too. Never knowing that doing so, she watered the seed that was sown long time ago. 

Fast-forward, eleven years later.

Now, a Master of Arts in Nursing, a candidate for Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing, a TESDA Certified Competency Assessor, Safety Officer and a happy and satisfied teacher and director of student affairs, she is living her dream.

She finds home in teaching.

Happy teacher’s day Nars.